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Defects of Guide Cardboard of Semi-automatic Box Gluer

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Defects of Guide Cardboard of Semi-automatic Box Gluer

Release date:2020-10-19 00:00 Source: Click:

The semi-automatic glue box guide board has a great effect, but in the process of gluing, due to the thickness of the guide board itself, a non-adhesive white line appears on the top of the corrugated corrugated paper, which makes it impossible to bond there. The consumption and replacement of the guide paper is very labor-intensive, which is a shortcoming. At present, foreign countries have developed a single-sided machine without a paper guide, and its structure has many types such as vacuum type, vacuum hood type and pressurized air cushion type. In the vacuum type, the lower corrugating roller is vacuumed, and the corrugated core paper is adsorbed through many small holes on the lower corrugating roller. The vacuum hood type is to draw a vacuum between the surface of the lower corrugated roller and the corrugated core paper, which causes the core paper to stick to the soil of the lower corrugated roller. The pressurized air cushion type uses compressed air to press the corrugated core paper onto the surface of the lower corrugating roller. Adopting a single-sided machine with no paper guide structure can improve production efficiency.

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